A common request we receive from customers is: "I have multiple environments for the same web application. For example, development (DEV), staging (STAGE), and production (PROD). I want to create one Relying Party (RP) Trust in AD FS 2.0 which utilizes a single set of issuance claim rules, and I want AD FS 2.0 to send the user to the correct web application once they have authenticated." The out-of-the-box, AD FS 2.0 capabilities answer: For WS-Federation passive RPs, this is not possible in AD FS 2.0 since we are bound to a single endpoint URL per protocol binding. For example, the WS-Federation POST binding can hold only a single value for endpoint URL. Although AD FS 2.0 allows for multiple identifiers (URIs) per RP Trust, there is no way within AD FS 2.0 to map each identifier to a unique WS-Federation endpoint URL. For SAML 2.0 protocol RPs, we can handle this out of the box in AD FS 2.0. Please see the More Information sect...