Automatically back up your hard drive, delete temp files, and backup a Web site using batch scripting
  Create the batch file

Step I
 - Open notepad and type (make sure you have two lines as shown below)
cd C:\users\%username%\AppData\Local
rmdir /S/Q Temp
Step II - Save the file as XXX.bat (where XXX = any name, i would prefer TempClean).
Step III - Double click on the file, you created, this will delete your temporary files and free up space on your computer.
Note: If double clicking on batch file gives you any error message, try replacing %username% with your Windows login username.
                  Automate above process
Step I - Right click on batch file you created and click create shortcut.
Step II - Place the shortcut in your startup folder in the start menu, follow the link on how to do this.
Step III - Reboot your PC and everytime you logged on to your Windows 7 PC, startup
folder triggers the batch file to delete temporary files.

How do I delete an “undeletable” file?


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