Get Rid Of Windows 7 Product Id Key

Get Rid Of Windows 7 Product Id Key

1) Go to START and RUN and Enter the following command REGEDIT
2) Open the regedit and navigate to the following key path
HKey_Local_Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current Version
3) Highlight on the current version and On the Right hand side you can see ProductID Listed under the heading name.
4) Double click on the Product Id a pop up box will come up and you can see the product id of windows some what like this 76125-623-557896-27654. Now change it to your desired name and click on OK
5) Done! Now you can see the Product Id of desired choice which will never again alter you for a key. This is applicable for all windows versions like windows 7, windows xp, windows vista.
6) Enjoy Hacking!


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