handling Persistent Reservation failures

If you notice the following errors in the Cluster Validation Wizard output as following, please use the following remediation plan.

Physical Disk : PR reserve failed
Physical Disk : ResHardDiskArbitrateInternal: PR Arbitration for disk Error
Physical Disk : OnlineThread: Unable to arbitrate for the disk

Remediation Plan A:
  1. Look up the disk number in disk management. Clear the persistent reservation on a disk in a failover cluster. Run Clear-ClusterDiskReservation -Disk [-Node] -Force powershell command to clear the reservation on disk.
Remediation Plan B:
  1. Shutdown all nodes but keep only one node active
  2. Restart that active node while other nodes are shutdown
  3. Start clustering with /fq.
    1. net.exe stop clussvc
    2. net.exe start clussvc /forcequorum
  4. Verify that disks are accessible in disk management in the active node, and start other cluster nodes


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