
Showing posts from March, 2019

How to temporarily deactivate the kernel mode filter driver in Windows

814112  Files on network shares open slowly or read-only or you receive an error message Event ID 2022 errors messages that occur in the System log, for example: When you are troubleshooting any one of these issues, frequently, you have to do more than just stop or disable the services that are associated with the software. Even if you disable the software component, the filter driver is still loaded when you restart the computer. You may be forced to remove a software component to find the cause of an issue. As an alternative to removing the software component, you can stop the relevant services and disable the corresponding filter drivers in the registry. For example, if you prevent antivirus software from scanning or filtering files on your computer, you must also disable the corresponding filter drivers. To disable filter drivers, you must first identify third-party services and their corresponding filter drivers. After you do this, follow these steps. Warn...

Cluster Change RegisterAllProvidersIP setting on an existing Availability Group

ERROR: The RegisterAllProvidersIP property for network name ‘Name:  ‘ is set to 1.  For  the current cluster configuration this value should be set to 0. Solution: nslookup AAGListenerName #With RegisterAllProvidersIP = 0, this will only return one IP, the IP of the current primary. Get-ClusterResource  -Cluster "FC_Name" #Get Cluster Network name Get-ClusterResource "ClusterNetworkName"  -Cluster "FC_Name" | set-clusterparameter RegisterAllProvidersIP 1  -Cluster "FC_Name" #You'll get a warning, all changes will take effect until ClusterNetworkName is taken offline and then online again. Stop-clusterresource "ClusterNetworkName"  -Cluster "FC_Name" #Take Offline Start-clusterresource "ClusterNetworkName"  -Cluster "FC_Name" #Right Back Online Start-clusterresource "AAGName"  -Cluster "FC_Name" #This step is important. The AAG is offline, must bring the AAG Back onl...

Azure Fix for "the VM is generalized" start-up error in Microsoft Azure

How to fix the below error, it works for when followed the below steps. 1) Go to the "Disks" page in the Azure Portal: 2) Click on the disk that is attached to the generalized VM. 3) Then click "Create Snapshot", and fill in the form: 4) After the snapshot is generated, go to the Disks page, and click "Add". 5) Fill in the "Create managed disk" form, and make sure to select your newly created Snapshot as Source: 6) After the new disk is created, click on it to see details. Then click the button "Create VM": 7) Create the VM as you would normally do. Done!

Troubleshooting RDP Terminal server not connecting via gateway server

Issue: Unable to reach the server via the gateway server. MMC also get close while trying to create a new policy. Exactly It will exit while adding the group. Cause: Installed KB3102467.

Troubleshooting AD Active Directory Replication Error 8456 or 8457: "The source | destination server is currently rejecting replication requests"

Symptoms  This article describes the symptoms, cause, and resolution steps for situations where Active Directory operations fail with error 8456 or 8457: "The source | destination server is currently rejecting replication requests" The DCPROMO promotion of a new domain controller in an existing forest fails with the error "The source server is currently rejecting replication requests."  Dialog title text:    Active Directory Installation Wizard   Dialog message text:   The operation failed because:   Active Directory could not transfer the remaining data in directory partition   to domain controller .  "The source server is currently rejecting replication requests." DCDIAG reports the error "The source server is currently rejecting replication requests" or "The destination server is currently rejecting replication requests." Testing server: Default-First-Site-Name\     ...