Cluster Change RegisterAllProvidersIP setting on an existing Availability Group

The RegisterAllProvidersIP property for network name ‘Name: ‘ is set to 1. For the current cluster configuration this value should be set to 0.


nslookup AAGListenerName #With RegisterAllProvidersIP = 0, this will only return one IP, the IP of the current primary.

Get-ClusterResource  -Cluster "FC_Name" #Get Cluster Network name

Get-ClusterResource "ClusterNetworkName"  -Cluster "FC_Name" | set-clusterparameter RegisterAllProvidersIP 1  -Cluster "FC_Name"

#You'll get a warning, all changes will take effect until ClusterNetworkName is taken offline and then online again.

Stop-clusterresource "ClusterNetworkName"  -Cluster "FC_Name" #Take Offline

Start-clusterresource "ClusterNetworkName"  -Cluster "FC_Name" #Right Back Online

Start-clusterresource "AAGName"  -Cluster "FC_Name" #This step is important. The AAG is offline, must bring the AAG Back online

#Wait a moment, then verify

Get-ClusterResource  -Cluster "FC_Name" #Verify

nslookup AAGListenerName #This should now return Two IPs, for both the primary and secondary. Now, MultiSubnetFailover can help.


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