
Showing posts from February, 2019

Troubleshoot AD Event ID: 5719 and 5783 1053

handling Persistent Reservation failures

If you notice the following errors in the Cluster Validation Wizard output as following, please use the following remediation plan. Physical Disk : PR reserve failed Physical Disk : ResHardDiskArbitrateInternal: PR Arbitration for disk Error Physical Disk : OnlineThread: Unable to arbitrate for the disk Remediation Plan A: Look up the disk number in disk management. Clear the persistent reservation on a disk in a failover cluster. Run   Clear-ClusterDiskReservation -Disk [-Node] -Force  powershell command to clear the reservation on disk.     Remediation Plan B: Shutdown all nodes but keep only one node active Restart that active node while other nodes are shutdown Start clustering with /fq. net.exe stop clussvc net.exe start clussvc /forcequorum Verify that disks are accessible in disk management in the active node, and start other cluster nodes

Trouble shooting RDP Reducing the number of Remote Desktop Licensing Per-User CAL's

Below PowerShell, cmd to view the current TS license detail Get-WmiObject Win32_TSLicenseKeyPack|Select KeyPackId, ProductVersion, TotalLicenses, TypeAndModel|Format-List Below PowerShell, cmd to revoke the required no of TS license from the TS installed server. Invoke-WmiMethod -Class Win32_TSLicenseKeyPack -Name RemoveLicensesWithIdCount -ArgumentList <KeyPackId>,<NumberOfCALsToRemove>

Troubleshooting Delete the Grace period in RDP registry

Delete the Grace period in RDP registry: We can delete the registry fully: Name GracePeriod HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\RCM\GracePeriod

GPO - Symantec SyLink.xml remove to make communicate the offline client to become online

Save the below script as bat file and configure in user policy as logon script to take effect. 1.ECHO OFF 2.start "" /wait "C:\Program Files (x86)\symantec\symantec endpoint protection\smc.exe" -stop -p password 3.copy \\\sysvol\script\sylink.xml C:\ProgramData\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\14.0.3876.1100.105\Data\Config\ 4.start smc -start 5.echo End of script OR POWERSHELL: & 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\14.0.3876.1100.105\Bin\SylinkDrop.exe' -p password 'c:\Users\username\Desktop\SyLink.xml' --- Share your feedback...

Configuring complete memory dump for NMI crash

Configuring complete memory dump for NMI crash Enable complete memory dump: Step 1:  Create a paging file a)      Click Start , right-click Computer , and then click Properties .  b)      Click Advanced system settings on the System page, and then click the Advanced tab.  c)       Click Settings under the Performance area.  d)      Click the Advanced tab, and then click Change under the Virtual memory area.  e)      Select the system partition where the operating system is installed. Note To enable the system partition, you have to click to clear the Automatically manage paging file size for all drives check box.  f)       Set the value of Initial size and Maximum size to the amount of physical RAM that is installed plus 1 megabyte (MB) under the Custom Size button....

Troubleshoot Generate a complete crash dump file or a kernel crash dump file by using an NMI on a Windows-based system:

Generate a complete crash dump file or a kernel crash dump file by using an NMI on a Windows-based system: In Registry Editor, locate the following registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CrashControl Right-click  CrashControl , point to  New , and then click  DWORD Value . Type  NMICrashDump , and then press ENTER. Right-click  NMICrashDump , and then click  Modify . In the  Value data  box, type  1 , and then click  OK . Restart the computer. Hardware vendors, such as HP, IBM, and Dell, may provide an Automatic System Recovery (ASR) feature. You should disable this feature during troubleshooting. For example, if HP and Compaq's ASR feature is enabled in the BIOS, disable this feature while you are troubleshooting to generate a complete memory.dmp file. For the exact steps, contact your hardware vendor. Enable the NMI switch in the BIOS or by using the Integrated Lights Out (iLO) Web interface....

Troubleshoot generate a kernel or a complete memory dump file in Windows Server

Procedure to generate a kernel or a complete memory dump file in Windows Server: Steps  to Enable Memory Dump & Generate NMI to System using ILO Click Start, click Run, type Regedit, and then click OK. Locate and then click the following registry subkey:  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CrashControl Steps to be followed We need to enable the Complete memory dump option first: Set the    CrashDumpEnabled  registry entry to 1  (Hexadecimal value) 2. Type  NMICrashDump , and then press ENTER.    Right-click NMICrashDump, and then click Modify. In the Value data box, type 1, and then click OK. Right-click CrashControl, point to New, and then click DWORD Value 32 3. Edit the  Dumpfile  key and give the value as C:\ memory.dmp 4. Right-click CrashControl, point to New, and then click string Value. Type  DedicatedDumpFile , and then press ENTER. Right-click DedicatedDumpFile...

Netlogon - Function

  Functions of NetLogon Service on Domain Controllers: NetLogon Service is very important for Domain Controllers. This service is started and configured to start Automatic when you promote a server to Domain Controller. If this service is not running then there are a few things which fail. 11. This service is responsible for creating a Secure Channel between Domain Controllers and client     computers. Secure Channel is created to pass the authentication packets. 22.   Service performs the registration of SRV records, CNAME and other DC records in the DNS Server to advertise the availability of Domain Controllers in the domain. 33.   SRV Records registered by NetLogon Service are stored in C:\Windows\System32\Config\NetLogon.DNS file. 44.   Performs registration of SRV Records every 24 hours depending on the version of Operating System in use. 55.   Registers the SRV Records for a site where there is no Domain Controller. This i...

Troubleshooting Time, time service, time sync

All time-related cmd sharing here, Let me know anything missing here. Not time sync properly, it happen once the time change manually in 5-10 mint delay. Then using time cmd works:  w32tm /resync net start w32time w32tmdt.cpl w32tm /query /source > filename.txt W32tm /query /configuration >> filename.txt w32tm /query /status /verbose >> filename.txt W32TM.EXE /query /computer:serverDC1 /status w32tm /monitor DISPLAY THE CURRENT TIME ZONE SETTINGS: w32tm /tz LIST PEERS (EXTERNAL NTP SERVERS): w32tm /query /peers TIME OFFSET BETWEEN CURRENT COMPUTER TO YOUR DOAMIN: W32TM.EXE /monitor /computers: AD-HOSTNAME ,serverdc2 w32tm /stripchart / /period:120 w32tm /stripchart /computer:"My_Ntp_Server" /samples:5 /dataonly w32tm /stripchart /computer:computername /samples:1 w32tm /monitor /domain:DOMAIN /nowarn nltest / nltest /   net time \\computername RESTORE WINDOWS TIME SE...